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Country Verifications /

Country Verifications has two mobile apps that allow it to serve its internal and external clients in a timely manner in order to provide better service and optimize its verification processes.
Business Processes
- Application that allows you to integrate various business processes related to electrical verifications, gas, tanks, etc. - The user can create service orders, specify times and status. - Among its functions is capturing customer data, service data and verifier data, which can add comments.
- It allows you to increase the efficiency of verifications, keeping track of the number of services performed on the day and by date. - Integration and registration of activities to improve the flow of communication.
- It allows the user to control and decide the daily, monthly or specific air conditioning electrical expenditure. - Notify about the AA consumption limit for VDP client. - Consumption graphs are generated to know which days or at what time the most air conditioning is being consumed. - The user can configure the mode and temperature of the AA, from their cell phone.
This tool allows you to control and measure electricity consumption to take measures to reduce the carbon footprint.